Profound realisations, tears & breakthroughs Your Success Live Event

I’d always been a very guarded person, hiding behind my shield. Needless to say, I missed lots of opportunities, especially when it came to building meaningful connections.

I spent most of my life trying to fit in, but ended up feeling like an outcast and deeply feared complete alienation.

So when I got an opportunity to witness the Your Success Live event last weekend, I said “Yes” because something instantly connected with me.

I’m glad I did it, because that weekend changed my life in a profound way.

They say when you truly connect with yourself, you attract your real tribe, your match, your crew.

And that’s what I found last Friday. The people, the learnings, Sharon Pearson’s warmth and giving a damn about us – everything combined to create that residual glow that I’m sure each of you are still feeling, just like I am.

On Day 1, I had a breakthrough. I suddenly realised it was ALL me. I mattered more than I knew. There was no one coming to “save” me. I had to save me first, before I could even think of attracting positive energies to my life.

That Sunday evening, I walked out as a changed person. That Sunday evening, I’d rewritten the story of my life.

One weekend did change my life!

It was SO amazing to see everyone’s openness and willingness to embrace change, happiness and true success.

Everyone experienced their vulnerable side. We saw eye-to-eye, we released the pain and B.S. around the crud that we unknowingly protected all our lives, and made space for love and joy.

Your Success Live Event 2015: Here’s a Sneak Peek for You


Success Story: Christiane Went Without Sugar After a Long Time

Everyone experienced . For Christiane for example, realised the events from her childhood that were holding her back. She stepped into a long forgotten part of herself, the more passionate, joyful caring part.

Christaine Anderson
“Yesterday for the first time in a long time, I cooked myself a delicious meal, took time to draw and felt myself again. It was also the first day in a long time without sugar. I am love, I am passion, I am joy, I am creativity.”

Talk about a massive impact!

Your Success Event Photos Day 2

Mocktails and deliciousness galore at the Your Success Gala Party

My Favourite Highlights from Sharon During the Weekend

  • It’s OK to be pissed off; it’s OK to be healed; to validate the grief
  • Problems will always be there but as you keep tackling them and learning more, the problems become higher quality
  • Being problem-free is like death
  • “Who can write a book on their BS? Everyone.”
  • “Who can write a book on their destiny? Only 5 people (raise hands)!”
  • Success is not about the money, sports car or a wishlist of things; true success is measured by the lives you can touch and how you can build a life on your terms
  • Don’t go home counting the money; go home counting the real moments
  • On relationships: When a man exposes his vulnerabilities, it is all love
  • You can’t still be a “boy” and show up to a woman under the guise of being “vulnerable” – because she is not your mother. You show up as a Man and then get to be vulnerable with her.
Your Success Event Photos

Sharon and Your Success students having an amazing time, achieving breakthroughs and learning heaps

Success Story: Grace Released Her Pain

Grace Sharon
Grace Sharon
“I am love. I am joy. I am courage. Last night I broke through to remember the deathly feeling of being passed from mother to foster mother at the age of one month. I had no idea of the intensity of the emotions I felt or was carrying through that event. I didn’t know I could even remember them Death, loss, feeling lost, didn’t know who I was or who the person was who was holding me. I was so scared. Sharon Pearson, thank you for saying at the end of the weekend that you are staying with me through the journey. I didn’t know why the strong reaction. It was because my mother never did. Now I have let it all go. The tears are all gone. The sobbing has all stopped and I am sitting in my lounge room with a beautiful demystifier on with lavender oil in the water, truly loving myself and reading Disruptive Leadership. Love you all.”

We got to step in to the “abandoned” part of our spirit and reconnected with your passion.

There were tears of gratitude and smiles from breaking the shackles of our own unique version of “crud protecting” B.S.

We had “profound realisations”, “shifting”, “deep sadness” and grief (part of the process). In the end we emerged as “truly loving the self”, “feeling lighter”, “motivated” and “energised”.

Needless to say, it was an extraordinary group of 104 people.

Shelley Weeks
Shelley Weeks
“Little did I know how much I would be ‘tested’ on this and BUMP into a room full of people in such a beautifully messy way… soooo very glad and gratitude to all of you. I was deaf to a story running in my head that said; “I don’t need you.” An awesome bump from SP turns that on its head to: “I do need you!” WE do need each other and to hear and hold each other in the space of I see you and you’re loved.”